Linking Collections, Building Connections

Eva Lawrence Watson-Schütze
Schütze's Mother, Blind, ca. 1905
Platinum print
8 1/8 x 6 1/4 in.
CPW; gift of Howard Greenberg
CPW 2002.013
Eva Lawrence Watson-Schütze
Platinum print
6 1/4 x 8 1/4 in.
Dorsky; gift of Howard Greenberg
Eva Lawrence Watson-Schütze
Platinum print
8 x 5 3/16 in.
WBG; gift of Sarane O'Conner and Douglas C. James
WBG 2015.005.001
Photographer Eva Watson-Schütze (1867-1935) created some of the earliest work housed in the collections of HVVACC’s three Woodstock institutions, while the Dorsky owns nearly 100 of her photographs. Watson-Schütze began her career as a painter, studying with eminent Philadelphia artist Thomas Eakins. She went on to be a photographer associated with Pictorialism, which emphasized the painterly and aesthetic qualities of photography over what some believed to be its purely documentary function. Watson-Schütze exhibited at the famous gallery 291 founded by Alfred Stieglitz--photographer, impresario, and promoter of European and American modernism.