Linking Collections, Building Connections
Sharon Core
Drive-Thru, Kingston, 2005
30 x 33 in.
Dorsky; purchased in part with funds from M & T Charitable Foundation
Ivan Summers
Old Senate House, Kingston, ca. 1935
Etching and aquatint
7 3/4 x 9 3/4 in.
Dorsky; bequest of Edward Coykendall
Lilo Raymond
City Hall, Kingston, 1998
Gelatin silver print
11 x 14 in.
Dorsky; gift of the artist
These three photographic representations of buildings in Kingston, NY perform both documentary and interpretive roles. Ivan Summers and Lilo Raymond use government buildings as their subjects: Summers presents the Senate House as a stately, preserved historic landmark, while Raymond treats the civic space of City Hall, Kingston as a desolate interior, picturesque in its decay. Sharon Core’s photograph of a Kingston drive-thru uses a McDonald’s truck as a compositional device dividing a rocky outcropping, ubiquitous in the Catskill landscape, from the urban view behind, signifying the encroachment of the commercial on the Hudson Valley’s natural beauty.